Enola gay museum 1995

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Correll, “War Stories at Air and Space,†Air Force (April 1994): 24, for a slightly modified text of half of the Special Report, note 2. National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Exhibit Planning document, Tentative Exhibit Title: “The Crossroads: The End of World War II, The Atomic Bomb, and the Onset of the Cold War,†July 1993, NASM/MH AFA, The Enola Gay Debate, Key Documents, May 1995. Correll, “The Decision That Launched the Enola Gay,†Air Force (April 1994): 30, for a slightly modified text of half of the Special Report, note 2. AFA, The Enola Gay Debate, March Report, May 1995.ĭavid McCullough, Truman, Simon & Schuster, 1992. Correll, “The Smithsonian and the Enola Gay,†Air Force Association Special Report, March 15, 1994. Martin Harwit to Gwen Crider, “Notes for Gwen,†February 11, 1994, NASM/MH

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